
Actifsource V6.4.0

Actifsource code generator for any programming language

Known Issues

Generator fails

  • Generating Code without BuildConfig fails. 
  • Workarround: Use BuildConfig
  • Please use Version 6.4.1

Support for Eclipse 3.8.2

  • Starting with the release of Eclipse 4.4 Luna (June 25, 2014), we will drop the support for eclipse 3.8.2

Support for Eclipse 4.4 Luna

  • Actifsource is now running on Eclipse 4.4 Luna

Support for Java 7

  • We will drop the support of Java 7 by the end of 2014

Installing Actifsource

  • Actifsource sets the memory settings automatically after installing and restarting
  • The Restart-Button displayed after the plugin installation, restarts eclipse in such a way that it still uses the old memory settings
  • To prevent OutOfMemoryExceptions you need to completely close eclipse (File, Exit or Close-Button) and start it again

Code Snippets

  • Poor performance in the actual version

Compatiblity Issues

  • ReadJob-Implementations need to be changed gain profit from newly added hashcode caching
  • JavaModel needs to be regenerated

Generic Refactoring

  • Update CIP-ExtensionAction
  • Update CIP-Diagram Ports



  • improved error message for recursive job execution detection


  • check cancel-state during context-iteration to respond faster
  • "null" not handled as JavaKeyword


  • Support File-Resource with scope releative path for including text files from workspace into template
  • Support forceGenerate-Flag per TemplateGeneratorTask to disable incremental build when depending on external file content


  • changed visualization to show errormarkers for PulseCast, MessageCast and GateControl
  • improved overall usability of diagrams

Bug Fixes


  • newly created resources sometimes disapear shortly
  • ResourceNameIndex sometimes delivers non existing resources


  • session is disposed on delete project
  • set JavaProject-Dependencies automatically if needed
  • avoid saving settings when loading projects checkedout from svn to prevent filesystem changes
  • improved classloading/classchange listenering to ensure dependent projects are informed about updates
  • validate type of projectreferences and ask for setting a JavaDepenedency/PluginDependency in Java & Pluginprojects


  • tried to set state while still notifying on LinkSelector


  • fixed StackOverflow wenn creating supercontext for models with recursive class design
  • fixed SuperContext Selection broken due to an incorrect selection update bugfix in 6.2.0


  • Delete from model without singleroot not possible


  • fixed "error setting focus to XXX, widget is disposed" in CIP-Views refresh

Recommended System Requirements

We recommend the following system requirements.

Java SE 7
Eclipse 4.4
OS Win 7, gtk Linux
OS Architecture 64 Bit
Processor 64 Bit
Disk SSD

Configuration (eclipse.ini)

We recommend the following settings in the eclipse.ini file.

Minimum Memory Size -Xms800m
Maximum Memory Size -Xmx4000m
Maximum Perm Size -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
Virtual Machine -vm C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin

Used Open Source Libraries

We have used the following open source libraries in our products. Many thanks to all the developers for providing their great work to the community.

ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar Apache
antlr-2.7.6.jar BSD
antlr-3.1.1-runtime.jar BSD
bcprov-jdk16-145.jar MIT
commons-collections-3.2.1.jar Apache
Eclispse 4.3.x EPL
jdom.jar Apache
jsr305.jar BSD
jug.jar LGPL v2.1
logging-1.0.3.jar Apache
objenesis-1.0.jar Apache
xerceslmpl.jar Apache

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