
Actifsource V5.5.0

Actifsource code generator for any programming language


  • TemplateGenerator can now be canceled between Outputfile generation
  • SelectorEvaluationUtil now supports StaticEvaluationData for list results
  • Launch-Config testing actifsource aspects without running starting an eclipse runtime workspace
  • Run/Debug as Actifsource JUnit Test in ContextMenu and SingleScopeTestCase-BaseClass (requires ch.actifsouce.ui.junit-Plugin)
  • Faster Reading of Templates
  • Better Caching of Template & Selector Evaluation Structures -> Faster Overall Performance when Evaluating Templates & Selectors (inclusive SelectorBasedAspects)
  • LazyLoading of aggregated Resource on unfolding in ResourceEditor -> Open resources with many aggregations
  • Reload ResourceEditor-Content when resource is available after refresh
  • ".actifsourceFildIdIgnore"-File to suppress fileId parsing in subfolders of the target folder, for users unable to change compile artifact location, however we strongly suggest to separate these files from source code
  • Changed Model-Class-Template to workaround constructor size limit
  • Speedup CIP Import and adding of new projects
  • Support for Indicies in Core


  • New ResourceNameIndex for ReverseNameLookup -> Nearly no UpdateDelay while typing text in ResourceEditor
  • Improved Speed of Relation-Arrow-Calculation -> Moving Shapes in DomainDiagram
  • Asynchron Loading of Resources on Start -> No more 5000ms classloading timeout due to blocked EnvironmentPlugin-Activator
  • Empty ResourceFolder after Open Projekt/Refresh when OutOfSync
  • Generic-Refactoring Wizard not Closing on DoubleClick
  • Exception in Wizards when an invalid workspace path was entered FileLocation-Textfield
  • QuickOutline in ResourceEditor not working on Selector-Lines
  • ProjectExplorer-LabelProvider overrides names for unknown objects with name provided by WorkbenchAdapter
  • ProjectExplorer-ContentProvider returns wrong parent (null) for unknown objects
  • ProjectExplorer-PackageContentProvider delivers no content for default packages/ResourceFolders after handling actifsource resource path changes
  • StackOverflowException in ContentProvider ListDiffer on large changes
  • ClassDiagram Attribute & Relation Updates on external changes
  • ClassDiagram/DomainDiagram: Scrollbars not visible until first selection change
  • No text update (fullname replacement) while editing a value

Recommended System Requirements

We recommend the following system requirements.

Java SE 6
Eclipse 3.7.1
OS Win 7, gtk Linux
OS Architecture 64 Bit
Processor 64 Bit
Disk SSD

Used Open Source Libraries

We have used the following open source libraries in our products. Many thanks to all the developers for providing their great work to the community.

actifsource Core 5.x EPL
ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar Apache
antlr-2.7.6.jar BSD
antlr-3.1.1-runtime.jar BSD
bcprov-jdk16-145.jar MIT
commons-collections-3.2.1.jar Apache
Eclispse 3.7.x EPL
jdom.jar Apache
jsr305.jar BSD
jug.jar LGPL v2.1
logging-1.0.3.jar Apache
objenesis-1.0.jar Apache
xerceslmpl.jar Apache

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